Worcester State UniversityACCUPLACER Math Placement Test Prep

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Need to prepare for the Worcester State University ACCUPLACER placement test? MATHhelp.com offers a complete ACCUPLACER math placement test prep course. Don’t get stuck in remedial math. Place out instead!

What math placement test does Worcester State University use?

Worcester State University uses the ACCUPLACER math placement test. To review for the test, you’ll want a study guide that includes comprehensive instruction, guided practice, and interactive tests. For most students, test prep books and practice questions are not enough, and classes and tutors are too expensive. Fortunately, online courses now offer a balance of affordability and effectiveness.

Do I need to take the ACCUPLACER math placement test at Worcester State University?

Most students at Worcester State University will need to take the ACCUPLACER math placement test. However, if you think you might have a high enough score on the SAT or ACT to be exempt from taking the placement test, check online or contact your testing center.

What type of math is on the Worcester State University math placement test?

The math on the Worcester State University ACCUPLACER placement test covers Pre-Algebra, Algebra, and Geometry. Make sure your preparation only includes the topics on the test - nothing more and nothing less. The best test prep courses emphasize efficiency.

Is the math on the Worcester State University placement test hard?

The ACCUPLACER math placement test at Worcester State University isn’t hard if you receive the necessary individualized instruction when preparing for the test. With a study guide that has a math tutor built into the program, you’ll get all the help you need.

Does Worcester State University accept CLEP?

Yes, Worcester State University accepts CLEP credits. For example, students who pass the CLEP College Mathematics or CLEP College Algebra may be able to receive course credit at Worcester State University.

What is Worcester State University known for?

Located in Massachusetts, Worcester State University is an institution which focuses on Liberal Arts and Sciences.  Undergraduate and graduate programs are offered by the university which has been given accreditation by the New England Association of School and Colleges.  The many academic departments of the university are distributed between two schools which are the School of Humanities and Social Sciences and the School of Education, Health and Natural Sciences.  In the school year beginning in 2018, the number of undergraduate students enrolled was 5,495 and the number of graduate students was 939, making the total enrollment 6,434.

To apply for admission to the university as a first-year student, high school transcripts should reflect no lower than a 3.0 GPA in coursework designed to be preparatory for college.  The university is now using a test optional policy and basing admission on high school grades and coursework.  Students may choose to send scores from college entrance tests.  In the past, accepted students had an average SAT score on the combined test of 1075 and an average ACT score of 23.  For students whose schoolwork has not been in English, scores on either the TOEFL or the IELTS test should be remitted.   On Student Placement Day, the university administers placement testing in writing, mathematics, and foreign languages.  Placement Testing is done in the Academic Success Center which also offers CLEP testing.  The Accuplacer is used for testing in mathematics. 

Some of the many programs at the university which attract the most numbers of students are Professions in the Health Sciences, Business, Management, Marketing, Psychology, Biological Sciences, and Social Sciences.  The Nursing Department offers three different tracks for students in undergraduate nursing – the traditional Bachelor of Science degree as well as an RN to BSN program and an LPN to BSN program.  Graduate programs in nursing include two different specialties in the Master of Science in Nursing degree.  Students who graduate from the Bachelor of Science degree program become registered nurses when they pass the exam required for licensing (NCLEX-RN).  The Business Administration and Economics Department offers a Bachelor of Science degree Business Administration and one in Economics.  Graduate programs in this department include the Master of Science in Management and the Master of Science in Health Administration.  Admission to graduate programs varies depending on the program.  However, most programs require a score from the GRE, a score on the GMAT, or a score on the MAT test.  The Master of Education programs do not require test scores if documentation of passing scores on the MTEL subject area testing is submitted.

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