My Accuplacer Arithmetic test went great! I passed! The video elements as well as the changing practice tests worked the best for me. The videos were easily digestible and the new practice examples and tests made it so I didn’t just memorize the answer but instead worked to learn how to solve the problems. Thanks so much!Briana Larsh - January 2025
MathHelp was a great program to re-learn math for the Accuplacer. It’s been 30 years since graduating high school so there was a lot to refresh my memory with. It was easy to understand and navigate.Cheri Sutherland - May 2024
All the subjects really helped me. I passed the Accuplacer Arithmetic exam.Laquisha Williamson - February 2024
I loved how easy it was to follow and how simple and well explained the videos were. I was able to pass my Accuplacer Arithmetic test with flying colors due to this program. I will most definitely be coming back to get more courses once I start college again in the fall.Daniela Martinez - March 2023
Thank you, this helped me so much on the Next-Gen Arithmetic.Cyndie Levario - February 2023
The Accuplacer course was everything I needed. I haven't practiced math in 12 years. Now going to college for the first time, I placed in advanced mathematics. I am able to skip SEVERAL math courses, saving me time and money!Christine Ecker - August 2022
I loved this AccuPlacer Arithmetic subscription and learned all I needed. Thank you!Kali Savage - February 2021
Extremely helpful. I passed the Next-Generation AccuPlacer Arithmetic and was able to avoid taking additional basic classes as a result. Thank you so much!!!Sharon Souto - September 2020 was extremely helpful! I hadn't taken a math course in almost 15 years and needed to take a math placement test for a community college as I am switching careers. I scored very well on my placement tests thanks to the Next-generation Accuplacer courses that I took. I am so thankful that I used this service. I would highly recommend this website!Sylvia Williams - May 2020
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What is the ACCUPLACER Arithmetic Test?
ACCUPLACER tests were redesigned in 2016 to better align with the content on the SAT Suite of Assessments and the skills that research shows students need to be ready for college.
The tests include texts and tasks students will likely encounter in first-year college courses, and the math content is more aligned to state college and career readiness standards.
The Arithmetic test focuses on computation, order of operations, estimation and rounding, comparing and ordering values in different formats, and recognizing equivalent values across formats. This test assesses the following knowledge and skills categories: Whole Number Operations, Fraction Operations, Decimal Operations, Percent, Number Comparisons and Equivalents.