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Start our online ACCUPLACER College-Level Math test prep course. We provide the exact tutoring and practice tests you need to ace the ACCUPLACER College-Level Math placement test.

Additionally, our approach to ACCUPLACER College-Level Math instruction is direct and to the point. We won’t waste your time with long-winded explanations. And our course only includes the topics that are covered on the test - nothing more and nothing less. We know that the best ACCUPLACER College-Level Math test prep must be incredibly efficient as well.

Let’s face it. ACCUPLACER College-Level Math test prep books and practice questions are not enough, and classes and tutors are too expensive. That’s why we created our ACCUPLACER College-Level Math test prep course - to offer the perfect balance of affordability and effectiveness that has always been missing for students preparing for the ACCUPLACER College-Level Math test.

Our ACCUPLACER College-Level Math review goes far beyond the typical study guide by including comprehensive instruction, guided practice, and interactive tests. All of these features are available for anyone to try out by simply selecting a lesson above. And members receive much more, including access to ACCUPLACER College-Level Math diagnostic tests, background lessons, and grade reports.

The Accuplacer went great, I was studying to place a class higher and was able to accomplish that goal. What I appreciated about Math Help was its clean layout and structure to be able to move quickly between videos and practice tests for each skill. I really feel like using this tool was a crucial part of me being able to advance in classes so quickly.
I originally used my MathHelp subscription for the Math Accuplacer, which I ended up scoring wonderfully on, my final score landing in the 99th percentile actually. I enjoyed that review course so much I switched to SAT prep for my exam coming up on December 7th. I would say the video explanations and the review modules were the most helpful for me while preparing for the exams.
This course was amazing!! I recently went back to school and had to take the Accuplacer test for math. I have not been in a math class for over 14 years. This course helped me pass and get placed in college level algebra. Definitely recommend this course.
Preparing for any test can be nerve-racking, especially when it’s a subject you struggle with or have not practiced in a while. When I needed to prepare for the Accuplacer Quantitative Reasoning and Statistics I found all the resources I needed on MathHelp. The lessons are concise, thorough, and easy to understand. When my test day rolled around I felt confident in my abilities. I ended up passing with flying colors and even exceeded my own expectations. I would recommend MathHelp to anyone who wants to improve their understanding and confidence before their test day!
The Accuplacer test went well and my daughter scored high enough to get into the college math class she needed to take. We really liked the program. It was great how there were the explanation videos which were really good and then the practice and then the quizzes. I liked how if she already knew something we could skip right to the quiz part and if she was struggling with something we could watch the explanations a couple times and then see the practice problems worked. I wasn’t sure how I was going to get her ready for that placement test before I found your program and it was just what we needed. I would definitely recommend it.
My AccuPlacer test went very smooth thanks to the MathHelp lessons. All throughout the course I was thinking “this is refreshing my brain so well, while also teaching me lessons much more efficiently than what I have learned in the past”. The course was great.
MathHelp was a great program to re-learn math for the Accuplacer. It’s been 30 years since graduating high school so there was a lot to refresh my memory with. It was easy to understand and navigate.

The course I took for my Accuplacer college level math test was amazing and I passed with a 273. I placed in a higher-level math course. I wouldn't change anything about your courses.Hannah Napier - November 2024

The Accuplacer College Level math test went well, I passed. It was helpful - there were a lot of % and graph questions as well as fractions.Sheena Jones - May 2024

I’m a huge fan. The Accuplacer course was amazing. I set a goal to see if I could test into precalculus/ trigonometry - and I did it! Was wild I could sincerely barely do the foil method and didn’t even know how to do long division and because of the course, I am now “playing” with functions. Thank you. You taught me math friend.Adam Kidd-Gonzales - February 2024

My daughter exceeded the score that she needed on her Accuplacer in order to get placed into Pre Cal 1.Sue Parker - August 2023

It helped me pass my college level accuplacer with the score I needed.Amber Seuss - August 2023

I passed my Accuplacer College Math Placement Test because of you guys! Thanks!Benjamin Thomas - September 2022

Scored great on my college level math test thank you!!!Matthew Hastings - May 2022

Loved how in depth the videos were and how the info was given so it wasn’t overwhelming. The Accuplacer college math course was truly worth every penny.Lydia Tamas - December 2021

This program was so helpful. I haven't taken a math course in 20 years and needed to refresh before taking the Accuplacer and going back to school. The test went great, I got a 292/300. It was so great to have access to mathhelp to refresh my long dormant math skills. I found the lessons clear and easy to understand. I loved the feature of being able to skip lessons I already knew. The little diagnostic quizzes were great to let me know which lessons I needed to take and which I could skip. Thank you for your work, I found the website to be such a helpful tool! I would recommend to anyone!Anita Eckerd - April 2021

Very good Accuplacer program. I was better at math than I gave myself credit.Kevin Zoll - December 2020

This program was extremely useful for the Accuplacer College-Level Math test. I’m really grateful.Amiya Baker - October 2020

This program was the most helpful study guide I have ever had the pleasure of using! Thank you for such a wonderful study tool for the Accuplacer College Level Math.DeAnn Jones - August 2020

Extremely helpful course! I haven't taken a math class in 13 years and needed a refresher before being able to take the placement test to register for college classes. I got a 281 out of 300 on the Accuplacer College-Level Math and was able to place at a Pre-Cal level. My goal was anything above Math 100. I really enjoyed the consistency in writing out and explaining the math problems in the videos. Especially how each of the instructors always used the same writing style as they solved the problems. Everything was broken down very approachably. I often skipped the practice and test sections if I felt I had a handle on it. I also tried about 3 other sites before finding MATHhelp. After watching a couple Freebie videos on your site I knew it was what I was looking for. Mahalo nut MATHhelp!!Eric Hamren - July 2020

I have been out of high school for 30+ years and am going to take a few college courses. I took a practice Accuplacer test and realized that I did not remember hardly any of my high school math so I took the Accuplacer College Level Math prep course. I placed past College Algebra and into Trig with the help of the course.Mike Larsen - February 2020

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What makes different?

Complete courses that build your math foundation.
Concise videos that each cover a single concept.
Guided practice with audio explanations.
Self-pacing for all levels of ability inside each lesson.

What is the ACCUPLACER College Math Test?

The questions on the Classic Accuplacer College-Level Mathematics test are divided into the following content areas: algebraic operations, solutions of equations and inequalities, coordinate geometry, functions, trigonometry, applications, complex numbers, series and sequences, determinants, permutations and combinations, factorials, and word problems.

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