I passed the MTEL test! The practice questions were very helpful to cement the concepts.
And the website is easy to navigate.Cyryline Millington - March 2025
The website really helped me pass my MTEL. I really thought I would fail for a second
time!Kirsty Vitarelli - November 2024
It went amazing. Super helpful! I passed on the first try and have now finished all my MTELs.Bridget Lewis - March 2024
This was helpful in preparing for my Math MTEL. I am happy to announce that I officially passed it!Isabel Fernandes - May 2023
I passed my MTEL! I had failed the math one on my first try. So I found your website and decided to give it a try. I allotted about an hour every night to go through every module. Overall, it clearly helped me because I passed!Katey Natale - April 2023
Extremely helpful! I passed my MTEL test because of this course!Caroline Grosso - February 2023
I passed the Math MTEL and I have been using the lessons and practice problems with my students!Shelbee MacCracken - February 2023
The MTEL course was very helpful!! It helped break down the large test into smaller, much more attainable sections to make studying less stressful.Madison Shea - September 2022
I passed the MTEL General test. This program really helped with math skills.Beth Murphy - May 2022
I passed my MTEL! I really did well with the format of the course as a whole and the practice questions with different levels of support.Nicole Erickson - January 2022
The prep course for the MTEL Math Exam was so helpful!Lauren Walker - May 2021
The program was immensely helpful! I passed the General Curriculum Math MTEL 03 on the first try, which from what I understand almost never happens! Thank you to you and your team for the awesome support and structured format to reacquainting me with mathematical concepts that had been long forgotten. It’s never been easy for me to recall formulas during high-pressure testing situations but you presented the material in a way that took it to its most essential parts and gave examples that made sense. Particularly, I found the video-based lessons and the multiple examples of each to be most helpful. I also enjoyed the instantaneous results from the lessons and quizzes to test my knowledge along the way. Thank you so much!Robert Grosvenor - July 2020
I passed the MTEL General Curriculum Math test! I found this course very, very helpful! I liked that it was self-paced and I really appreciated the quizzes at the end. The informational videos and quizzes were probably the most helpful for me in regards to my studying. I've already recommended this course to others who are taking the same test.Katelyn Capasso - February 2019
"I just found out today that I passed the MTEL math test. I originally took the test about five years ago twice and didn’t pass. To prepare then, I took a workshop the first time and then worked with a private tutor the second time. I used your program daily for month for at least 30 minutes a day. The videos were really helpful. This program has been my only exposure to math in the past four years. Thank you again!"Brie Murphy - September 2018
"This tool helped me significantly with my studying for the MTEL General Math. Thanks!"Meghan Callahan - January 2018
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What is the MTEL General Curriculum Test?
The Massachusetts Tests for Educator Licensure (MTEL) program was initiated by the Massachusetts Department of Education in 1998. It is part of a statewide education reform initiative for educators seeking Pre-Kindergarten to Grade 12 licenses. The MTEL program includes a test of communication and literacy skills as well as tests of subject matter knowledge. The tests are designed to ensure that Massachusetts educators can communicate adequately with students, parents/guardians, and other educators and that they are knowledgeable in the subject matter of the license sought. The MTEL program was expanded in November 2004 to include tests for candidates seeking vocational technical and adult basic education licenses.
The MTEL is developed, administered, and scored by National Evaluation Systems, Inc. (NES), which is now known as the Evaluation Systems group of Pearson Education.
It is accepted in a few other states as a credential for teaching.