Dividing Integers

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Students learn to divide integers using the following rules. A positive divided by a positive equals a positive. For example, +20 divided by +2 = +10. A positive divided by a negative equals a negative. For example, +20 divided by -2 = -10. A negative divided by a positive equals a negative. For example, -20 divided by +2 = -10. And a negative divided by a negative equals a positive. For example, -20 divided by -2 = +10. In other words, if the signs are the same, the quotient is positive, and if the signs are different, the quotient is negative. Note that any integer divided by zero is undefined. For example, +4 divided by 0 = undefined. And zero divided by any integer (other than zero) is zero. For example, 0 divided by +4 = 0.
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