I passed the CBEST thanks to your program!Carlos Turner - November 2024
I passed my CBEST test yesterday with flying colors. Your program was so good. I'm going to be teaching 4th and 5th grade this year. This really helped me get prepared for the year.Blake Williams - August 2024
I passed my CBEST today, 42/50 after taking it multiple times and not being able to pass it. MathHelp was super helpful. I did all the lessons and found them all useful.Esmerelda Alvarado - July 2024
It was very helpful to review and it helped me pass my CBEST Math section.Erika Casillas - June 2024
I passed the CBEST math with more points than I needed!Christine Cortez - December 2023
I increased my CBEST scaled Math score from 34 to 56!Elizabeth Baum - November 2023
I passed my CBEST test. It all helped. I studied for over 45 days each night on math help. Working my way towards the test. So glad to have passed couldn’t have done it without math help.Jeremy Mosely - October 2023
This is very well planned. I learned a lot. Thank you for the well-structured CBEST program!Tatiana Dutra e Mello - August 2023
The CBEST exam went well! I passed with 20 points more than needed. The mathhelp.com content mirrored the exam in many aspects.Juan Aguirre - August 2023
I am pleased to inform you that my CBEST test went well. I noticed a significant improvement in my performance compared to my previous attempts when I did not utilize the platform. The lessons and practice exercises were particularly helpful in preparing me for the exam. One aspect of Mathhelp.com that I appreciated was the organized structure of the lessons and exercises, which made it easy to navigate back and forth.Christal Cotton - May 2023
This website was extremely helpful in reteaching and building my knowledge of key concepts on the CBEST Math Section! Very thankful for this program and assistance.Madison Osorio - May 2023
I have taken the CBEST and I passed. Thank you very much. It helped me get 5 more points on the test and pass. I am grateful. Great tutorials.Dawn Perez - March 2023
I want to thank you for your help with my CBEST. I used MathHelp.com and my CBEST math section exam was my highest score of all three exams. Math has always been a weak subject for me, and I have a great deal of math-phobia. I found the MathHelp.com lessons so clear and easy to understand. The way they are broken up into small pieces, slowly building through the lesson was so helpful. I did not feel overwhelmed and the quizzes and practice problems provided plenty of opportunities to do the problems, and learn from my mistakes. Again, thank you! I am so grateful. MathHelp.com really boosted my math confidence and I feel like a better educator because of it.Kathleen Haswell - January 2023
I just took the CBEST test today and did really well. The MathHelp.com lessons were really helpful, explaining visually the step-by-step process of each problem. The topics that were the most useful for me were perhaps fractions, decimals, percents, and probability and statistics. Thank you for creating this preparatory course and for organizing it in a way where all the topics were thoroughly explained and proceeded with an easy practice session for each section. I really needed a refresher and starting from the beginning and working my way to the end at my own pace was very helpful and a great learning and enjoying experience.Shawn Leuk - October 2022
I took my CBEST and I passed! This is actually quite an accomplishment. I have taken the test five times in the past and I have always failed them all with really low scores. MathHelp definitely has helped me in many ways - especially with the equations and formulas. It has been years since I graduated from college with Math courses, so I was determined to tutor myself to acquire the skills and keep them. I felt that I was well-prepared for the exam, many thanks to MathHelp!Brianne Catron - July 2022
I passed the Math CBEST with 47/50. I am so glad I used this program.Alison Borel - April 2022
I passed the CBEST!!! I went from a 25 to a 47. So it went good!! Don’t change anything. I plan on use your site for my own teaching.Larry Puckett - March 2022
This was so helpful and taught me so much about math. I am finished using this to study for the CBEST because I passed. Thank you!Lindsay Sigler - July 2021
I passed my CBEST!! Thank you, I needed the help and I finally got it with this program.Victoria Greene - May 2021
I passed the CBEST, which was so great! Your course was really helpful and got all the cobwebs out of my head from years of not doing math. I have recommended this program to other friends who are studying for tests such as the CBEST and GMAT.Merryn Landry - May 2021
I absolutely loved using this CBEST program! It was helpful and really broke down the basics of math.Mikaela Zubieta - May 2021
I passed the CBEST math section and did very well. This course was excellent! I went into the test with confidence. Thank you!Kathleen Haswell - March 2021
This course was amazing! Truly the reason why I passed my CBEST. If you struggle with math, this is the course for you. The videos are designed to go step by step through the problems to help you understand the basics to be able to do the more complex problems. Thank you to the lady in the video who was very clear and easy to understand. This course was well worth the money, and I am a person who does NOT like to spend money! Highly recommend! Thank you again!Leah Nosanow - January 2021
I passed the CBEST after taking your course. I had failed two previous attempts. I am not a great test taker but after spending some time working through the lessons your math course offers, I was able to pass easily. The elements of the course that worked for me were watching the videos and practicing. Also, being able to see where I made my mistakes was very helpful. I am so glad I found your program. Totally worth the money. Thank you so much!Terri Todd - December 2020
It had been years since I had done basic math like that. It was nice just to have a refresher on all of the CBEST concepts. Most of the practice tests I took were very spot on. I would say you guys covered most of the basics someone needs to know! They do a scaled score from 20-80 on the test and a 41 is passing. I actually got a 70 on the math section so I did pretty well! Thank you again!Paige Gore - November 2020
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What is the CBEST Test?
The California Basic Educational Skills Test (CBEST) is a standardized test administered in the state of California. The test is intended to score basic proficiency in reading, mathematics, and writing. The test is divided into three sections: the reading and math sections each containing 50 multiple-choice questions; and the writing section, consisting of two essay questions. The entire test must be completed in four hours, and test-takers may allocate the time to each section at their discretion. There is no limit to the number of times the test may be taken. Test-takers do not have to pass all three sections in one sitting.
The California Basic Educational Skills Test (CBEST) is a standardized test which can satisfy the basic skills requirement for teacher credentialing in the state of California. It was developed by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) to meet the California Education Code (Section 44254), which was amended by the legislature of California on February 1, 1983. This amendment "requires teachers, administrators, and other school practitioners, [to] demonstrate adequate proficiency, in English, of three basic skills: reading, mathematics, and writing." It does not test an individual’s teaching skills or abilities; it only tests reading skills (critical analysis, evaluation, comprehension, and research skills), mathematics skills (estimation, measurement, computation, and problem-solving, etc.), and writing skills that are considered important for a job in the education field, either at the elementary, secondary, or higher education levels.
The CBEST gives a separate score for each section tested, and a passing score must be obtained in every section to pass the test. Passing the CBEST is one way to satisfy the California Education Code basic skills requirement for obtaining a California teaching credential, required to teach in California public schools.
The mathematics section contains 50 multiple-choice questions that assess cumulative knowledge of the mathematics traditionally taught in elementary and high school and, sometimes, in college. These questions come from three broad categories: arithmetic, algebra, and measurement and geometry. None of the questions strictly tests computation, but computational skills are required throughout the test.