4th Grade Math Help – Tutoring and Practice

MathHelp.com provides customized 4th Grade Math help. Whether your child needs tutoring and practice on a specific concept or a complete review of the entire course, we have your online 4th Grade Math solution. Start now by selecting the button below!

Whole numbers and place value

  • 1 Place Value
  • 2 Comparing Numbers
  • 3 Rounding Numbers

Adding and subtracting whole numbers

  • 4 Addition
  • 5 Subtraction
  • 6 Estimating Sums and Differences
  • 7 Addition and Subtraction Word Problems

Multiplying and dividing whole numbers

  • 8 Multiplication
  • 9 Long Division
  • 10 Estimating Products and Quotients
  • 11 Multiplication and Division Word Problems

Properties and patterns with whole numbers

  • 12 Addition Properties
  • 13 Multiplication Properties
  • 14 Patterns with Whole Numbers

Factors and multiples

  • 15 Factors and Primes
  • 16 Multiples and Least Common Multiple
  • 17 Greatest Common Factor

Understanding and simplifying fractions

  • 18 Introduction to Fractions
  • 19 Equivalent Fractions (Part I)
  • 20 Reducing Fractions to Lowest Terms

Equivalent fractions, improper fractions, and comparing fractions

  • 21 Equivalent Fractions (Part II)
  • 22 Improper Fractions and Mixed Numbers
  • 23 Comparing Proper Fractions

Adding and subtracting fractions and mixed numbers

  • 24 Adding and Subtracting Like Fractions
  • 25 Adding Mixed Numbers
  • 26 Subtracting Mixed Numbers

Multiplying fractions

  • 27 Multiplying Fractions

Decimals and place value

  • 28 Understanding Decimals
  • 29 Converting Decimals to Fractions
  • 30 Converting Fractions to Decimals
  • 31 Comparing Decimals

Adding and subtracting decimals

  • 32 Estimating Sums and Differences of Decimals
  • 33 Adding Decimals
  • 34 Subtracting Decimals
  • 35 Adding and Subtracting Decimals Word Problems

Geometry: lines and angles

  • 36 Points, Lines, Segments, and Rays
  • 37 Classifying Lines
  • 38 Angles
  • 39 Measuring Angles

Geometry: two-dimensional figures and solid figures

  • 40 Angles of a Triangle
  • 41 Sides of a Triangle
  • 42 Polygons
  • 43 Quadrilaterals
  • 44 Classifying 3-Dimensional Figures
  • 45 Symmetry

Units of measurement

  • 46 Customary Unit Conversions
  • 47 Metric Unit Conversions

Perimeter and area

  • 48 Perimeter
  • 49 Perimeter and Circumference Word Problems
  • 50 Area of Squares and Rectangles

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How can I help my 4th grader with math?

Is your 4th grader struggling with math? Here’s a list of the most effective ways to provide 4th grade math help to your child.

  • Foster a positive attitude toward math!
  • Make math fun using activities such as measuring, cooking, games, and shopping.
  • Practice math operations with your child every day.
  • Work with your child on reading and understanding math problems.
  • Identify areas where your child is struggling.
  • Get a tutor or find an online 4th grade math course.
Based on 284 reviews
I took my TSIA2 exam today and I scored a 966 on the math portion! I’m very grateful to the course on math help. It really helped refresh my brain on all the math concepts I had learned in high school. I really enjoyed the word problems, especially the help on translating English to algebra. I learned so much and the repetition of it all really helped everything stick! Thank you for all the math help!
This course was amazing!! I recently went back to school and had to take the Accuplacer test for math. I have not been in a math class for over 14 years. This course helped me pass and get placed in college level algebra. Definitely recommend this course.
My ALEKS test went well when I used MathHelp! The most helpful tool to use was the review at every section and especially the final exam feature at the end. I loved having practice taking math tests again. It had been a long time! I loved how if I had a problem understanding any topic, I could use the links provided to go back and understand the background for each step. (For me, this applied to a lot of the exponential expressions and geometry stuff). I can't thank you enough for your program! It was great and I feel so much more confident about my success in my math classes coming up!

What are the 4th grade math skills?

In 4th grade math, students learn the skills listed below. Successful study of these concepts prepares students to pass the course and move on to 5th grade math.

  1. Read, write, and round whole numbers.
  2. Add and subtract whole numbers.
  3. Multiply whole numbers up to 4 digits by 1 digit and 2 digits by 2 digits.
  4. Divide whole numbers with up to 4-digit dividends and 1-digit divisors.
  5. Recognize patterns, solve word problems, and list factors of numbers from 1-100.
  6. Generate equivalent fractions and compare fractions with different denominators.
  7. Add and subtract fractions and mixed numbers with like denominators.
  8. Multiply a fraction by a whole number.
  9. Read, write, and compare decimals to the hundredths place.
  10. Use and convert units of measurement within the Customary or Metric system.
  11. Draw, identify, and measure line segments and angles.
  12. Classify two-dimensional figures and find perimeter and area of rectangles.

Why is 4th grade math so hard?

If 4th grade math seems hard, it’s probably because the learning comes at a faster pace than it does in earlier grades. At this level, students are also expected to work with a greater degree of independence. If your child is struggling, look for fourth grade math help that includes one-on-one instruction and plenty of guided practice to build the foundation in math that your child needs to excel.

How much does a 4th grade math tutor cost?

The cost of a math tutor for a 4th grade student can vary between $20 and $80 per hour depending on the region and the qualifications of the instructor. You can also find 4th grade math homework help through a search for online math classes for 4th graders, which may be a more viable and less expensive option.

What type of math do you learn in 4th grade?

The concepts that students learn in a 4th grade math class usually fall within the categories of Number and Operations, Algebraic Thinking, Geometry, Measurement, and Data. Of course, the curriculum may vary depending on your state and school district.

How do I find a 4th grade math tutor near me?

To find a nearby math tutor for your 4th grade child, you may be able to request a recommendation from school personnel such as a teacher or counselor. However, the most efficient approach is to search online for a suitable 4th grade math tutoring program.

Is 4th grade math hard?

Fourth grade math isn’t necessarily hard. If your child is wondering how to do 4th grade math, the key is a daily practice and accurate completion of homework. If help is needed, there are plenty of math websites for 4th graders. The best online math program will feature all the resources listed below.

  1. A bright and engaging teacher within every lesson
  2. Printable notes and worksheets
  3. Skill-builders such as guided practice with audio explanations
  4. Diagnostic quizzes to demonstrate mastery or identify areas that need work
  5. Built-in lessons on background skills to address knowledge gaps
  6. Reinforcement for skill retention such as cumulative review exercises
  7. Timely feedback in the form of interactive tests and comprehensive grade reports

How do I prepare my child for math in 4th grade?

To prepare your child for success in grade 4 math, make sure to cover the skills below. To help bridge any gaps, use an online course that has background concepts built into each lesson.

  • Be familiar with the place value chart for whole numbers
  • Comprehend multiplication and division and know the multiplication facts up to 12
  • Use whole number operations to solve problems with more than one step
  • Understand a fraction as part of a whole
  • Classify two- and three-dimensional figures
  • Measure length, weight, and volume
  • Read charts and graphs and show data by making a line plot

How can I help my child memorize 4th grade math facts?

In grade 4 math, it’s important to memorize facts. A great way to help your child with this tedious task is to make it fun by integrating memory games into grade 4 math homework assignments. For example, you can use manipulatives, flash cards, color charts, mnemonics, songs, and rhymes. No matter which method you choose, make sure to incorporate the previous facts as you add new ones.

How old are you in 4th grade math?

In the United States, students learning 4th grade math are usually 9 or 10 years old. To some extent, this can vary by state, school district, and individual situations. For example, an advanced student or a child born in the later months of the year may start the class at an earlier age.

What makes 4th Grade Math from MathHelp different?

Unlike other programs, MathHelp was developed by a teacher from one of the top private schools in the country. The instruction and practice are therefore of the highest possible quality. Homeschool families can immediately upgrade their 4th grade math curriculum to a world-class level, and any parent can provide his or her child with the equivalent of a $20,000-a-year private school education for a tiny fraction of the cost.

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